Heavy equipment transport services require a transporter with a lot of experience in heavy haul. Unlike shipping standard LTL and FTL freight, heavy equipment transport requires special handling, oversize load permits, and special freight carriers. Additionally, heavy equipment shipping needs certain specialized trailers in order to haul certain equipment items. These tractors, forklifts, and backhoes are big purchases, and you want to be sure they safely arrive. There are things you can do to make sure your heavy equipment shipment is smoothly and efficiently delivered. Find the right heavy haul specialist, make sure you have the right heavy equipment freight protection, and choose the best trucking options for transporting your equipment. Most equipment will need to be shipped on a flatbed or standard trailer, though in some cases it may be able to be towed. For larger or non-moving equipment, you will likely require a specialized trailer such as a step deck or a double drop deck. For international shipments, you can use a roll-on/roll-off service, or a flat-rack container.

There are a few steps you can take to prepare your equipment for shipping:

Check the Manual

The manufacturer’s manual is the first step to getting your machinery ready. You may have the manual yourself, or you can look it up the manufacturer’s website. This manual may advise you to take certain measures, such as disconnecting batteries, emptying engine fluids, or securing loose parts.

Obtain the Necessary Permits

The FMCSA has specific guidelines for securing and transporting heavy equipment. Oversized and overweight loads will require special permits to be transported on the road. Remember that large equipment loaded on a trailer may be too tall to go under power lines and bridges, or travel certain roads. You should work with the transporter before the pickup date to secure these permits, preventing delays or legal complications.

Cover Vulnerable Parts:

Remember that your equipment will be probably hauled in the open air, and will therefore be exposed to the elements. Cover any parts that will be vulnerable to rain and wind. In the winter months, prepare against damage to the tanks and lines due to cold and freezing temperature. You may also need to protect equipment against heat. Referencing the owner’s manual should provide guidance on protection.

Be Prepared for Pickup and Drop-off

You will need an open area at the pickup and drop-off points to load and unload your equipment. There may also be added equipment necessary for loading and unloading, such as loading docks, ramps, or cranes.


The cost to transport heavy equipment varies greatly based on the equipment being transported. The cost to ship heavy equipment longer distances, over 500 miles, averages $1.75 per mile, while shorter distance shipments average $5.00 per mile.

To get a better idea of what your heavy haul would cost, take a look at our cost to ship equipment page. There, you’ll find hundreds of heavy equipment shipments completed through the A Plus Freight Brokerage marketplace and get a better idea of how we work.